Knowing what the Bible Says is one thing. doing it in my real life is another!

This past week, I set out to tackle some RV repairs and, in the process, was reminded that I still default to my way versus His. It was a project that I’d been dreading for months. So much so that I’ve found ways to put it off repeatedly. But with all the "putting off" came a growing dose of stress. I attempted to start this dreaded project a couple of times. I would crawl under the slides to investigate the problem (again) and crawl back out with even more stress and worry. Worry that it was a bigger job than I had the skills to tackle. Worried that even if I could tackle it, it would be a miserable task. Worried my repairs wouldn't hold up.
Maybe you can relate to “that” kind of project.

As I navigated the real-life drama of my messed-up RV floors and felt the real-life stress building, I couldn't help but think about how differently my perspective was compared to what I know the Bible teaches. Therein lies the crux of really following Jesus' teaching.
Whether it's the daunting task of repairing an RV, or some other source of stress, life can often feel overwhelming. We face challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties that can easily lead to stress and anxiety. I've found myself caught in this cycle more times than I'd like to admit. The dictionary defines stress as "physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension." While some stress is necessary, excessive or negative stress can take a toll on our well-being.
The Bible doesn't explicitly mention "stress," but it does address related concepts like anxiety, worry, and trouble. It offers clear guidance on how we should deal with these emotions.
One common cause of stress is financial. We worry about money, bills, and maintaining our lifestyle. But Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:25-27 that God provides for His children and that we shouldn't worry about our needs.
Another source of stress can be hardships and trials. James 1:2-4 encourages us to view trials as opportunities for growth and perseverance. God uses hardships to strengthen our faith and mold our character.
No matter the type of stress in our lives, the starting point for dealing with it is Jesus Christ. He offers us peace and strength in John 14:1. Believing in Him means trusting His ways and seeking His guidance.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him in all our ways. When we turn to God in prayer and seek His wisdom, we can find peace and relief from stress. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to pray without anxiety and trust in God's peace.
Truth be told, none of this really "came to me" until after the repairs were complete. It wasn't until it was over that I could see that I had stirred up a lot more worry for this project than it deserved. Then, from that vantage point, looking back, I could begin to reflect on what I wished I would have done differently in terms of submitting my stress and anxiety to the Lord.

In the end, the RV Slides got fixed. In fact, I'd even say that they're better than they were when the RV was brand new. But it was also a reminder of how quickly I let my feelings and stress take the reigns rather than letting God's Word guide me in a real-life situation like this.
Maybe you can relate?
Here are a couple of questions for you to reflect on:
What areas of your life do you need to surrender to God's control?
How can you cultivate a deeper trust in God's provision and guidance?
Watch my YouTube video to see the process from start to finish and learn more about repairing RV Slides along the way.
Starting in my career as an automotive technician I was taught a valuable lesson from a senior technician that has carried with me ever since. When ever I would encounter a problem with a vehicle that I could not see a way thought I would ask him for help. I would say "I can't do this" he would calmly tell me not to use the word can't because that meant it could not be done by any man. Changing my way of asking for help had changed how I handled problems in the shop. Even tho he was not teaching this in a biblical principle as I grew in my walk with God I am learning to ask God for…